Sunday, February 20, 2011

Off to Earlham I go

So I'm finally feeling better from getting my wisdom teeth and today I will be going to Earlham for a week. I will be going to some classes with my sister, and I'm very excited!!!!!! After my week long tour of Earlham I will go home for a couple of days and then it's off to Wolf Park for 2 months!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Wisdom Teeth...

So I'm back in Bloomington I just had my wisdom teeth taken out and I'm a month in to my project. I decided to research 7 conservationist for my project. All coming form different background and each contributed something different to animal conservation. I'll soon start choosing different animal sanctuaries to study, once my medicine stops making me so fuzzy.
   I'm glad to have my wisdom teeth out so I don't have to deal with them later, but not being able to eat solids, anything hot or cold, and feeling out of it is not helping my project go along. hopefully I'll feel better soon and be able to get back on track.