I didn't want to get up Monday since Sunday was such a busy, but I had to since we had to clean the cooler, and butcher and feed. Matt and I cleaned the cooler while Kayla and Josh butchered the deer, then while all the other fed I washed the knives and stuff from butchering and did dishes at Irv and took out the trash. By the time the rest if the interns came back it was time to take lunch. After lunch we went down to the Observation building and watched the wolves for awhile(although this was because we were waiting for the staff meeting to be over so we could start on our next task). I was very interesting because we watched them feed on the carcass that had been put in their enclosure earlier that day. Kalani(the Alpha Female ate before anyone else and growled at anyone got to near. Wolfgang(the Alpha Male) found 2 'Scooby Snacks'(unborn baby deer for anyone who's interested) ate one and the other one was stolen by Dharma(the puppy). Ruedi of course would eat last being the Omega(lowest ranking wolf) and Woton had already stolen a few pieces of meat. After the staff meeting was over we got to get started on things for the upcoming Easter event... We started stuffing candy into plastic eggs. While we did these we watched Shaun of the Dead(Awesome Movie!!!!!). We we'll be continuing art of putting candy in to the eggs when we get more candy.
Tuesday was my turn to do "meatballs" so I had to get up early... Went down stairs to work on Holly's list o schools while we watched Jurassic Park... The listing o school didn't last long because we has to start put the address' on cards looking for donations for the wolves b-day party(It will be on the last day I'm here so that will be an awesome way to end my stay here) which took more the whole movie to do(we watched the making of Jurassic Park after it ended, it was very interesting). We took a quick lunch after that and the helped get letters off to our wolves sponsors. This took until about 4:00pm to finish and then it was time to do evening "meatballs". We played a game of Wizard and then went to Walmart on a movie run. I found What's Eating Gilbert Grape!!!!!!
Today was a very exciting day, after we had an educational interlude about Ethology we got to go in with main pack again, but this time they kept Wolfgang in there with us. Everything went well Wolfgang acutally came up and licked me a lot in the face. At one point Wotan was behind me while Wolfgang was licking me some it created a wolf sandwich with me in the middle of it(awesome, but a little bit scary for a second), Matt had already finished with the feeding for today so we didn't have to worry about that after we got to hang with the wolves. The Afternoon consisted of staining boards for the shelves for the giftshop.
This is Ember:
Wolfgang the Alpha Male Howling:
Monty Picked up Dharma:
Ruedi the Omega: