Monday, April 18, 2011

Day 47, 48, and 49

Saturday was the Easter event at Wolf Park... First I did morning "meatballs", then hid eggs for the kids. It was very cold all day, so I spent most of my time in the Giftshop with Beth Duman's dog, who she trained to(among other things such as riding a skateboard) money and put it in a basket. The dog collected about 40 dollars for the park. After that we had Howl Night where I had to give the Fox talk(never want to do it again)... After that it was LBC's for dinner and off to bed...

Sunday slept in late, didn't do much for the rest of the day... Watched South Park and Criminal Minds all day, and in the afternoon we went in the main pack for a while. After that the watching of more episodes of shows, dinner and then  bed

Monday was "meatball"time again. After that did Park stuff and went off to lunch... Watched a couple episodes of South Park and then went to Butcher and Feed... After feeding we went and priced stuff in the Giftshop anf then it was time for evening "meatball".... Episode of South Park then, Happy China for dinner and then Pirates of the Caribbean time...


  1. Were there a lot of kids for the Easter event? Sounds like a smart dog. Did you have to do a presentation about foxes (or specifically on the Wolf Park foxes) to all the people who showed up for Howl Night? Sounds like that might be the hardest thing you've had to do yet. Good practice for your Harmony presentation probably, but I'm sorry that you disliked doing it so much.

  2. Maggie what is the "fox talk" and why "never again"???
    Hope it warms back up - it's tough getting the garden in with all this rain and cold!
    looking forward to our howl night together - love you and miss you lots!
