Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Day 54, 54, and 56

Saturday I slept in until 10:00, watched South Park, then went to lunch... Worked in the gift shop for most of the day... Howl night went well... The flim Bag it was payed after Howl Night.... After that we went to LBC's for a late, late dinner, then came home and went to bed

Sunday, was "meatball" day for me. After morning "meatballs", hung around and watched TV on my computer, I forgot my purse in Dana's car so Josh nicely bought be lunch at Subway... Dana brought me my purse and then Josh and I went to Walmart... Didn't really do  much the rest of the day...

Monday I moved all the sticks that were piled up to the burn pile. After lunch we butchered and fed and then cleaned up the main pack enclosure... For dinner went to Texas Roadhouse for a good luck with surgery party for Todd... After that came home and went to bed...

1 comment:

  1. I know you're really counting down the days now, Mags. I'm going to miss your updates - you've done a great job here!
